The warm weather has arrived in Durango and we've been busy running some really fun mountain bike day tours recently. A few days ago we had a group of international tourists on a one month, cross country trek stopping at various points along the way. We were lucky enough to be one of those stops!
Numerous countries were represented: UK, Australia, South Korea and Norway to name a few!

While most of this particular mountain bike adventure was on dirt road, but some of the group rallied and sampled some beginner Durango singletrack....

On Friday, we hosted some students from Navajo Preparatory who were taking their ACTs the next day and wanted a "decompression" activity. Mountain biking in Durango is a perfect choice in our opinion!

After some serious shredding, we had a nice lunch waiting for everyone at Animas Overlook. Man these kids could eat! Two loaves of bread disappeared in like 3 minutes!!! :)

Good luck on your test, gang!