We just might be on to something. This year Hermosa Tours launched our self-guided mountain bike tours and the turnout and response has been spectacular. It is our belief that the majority of serious mountain bikers are a "do-it-yourself" species, so why not create a product to match?
142 miles of remote singletrack, doubletrack, jeep road and forest service road between Fruita and Moab. Hanging views of the Colorado River, steep sandstone canyons and the distant backdrop of the La Sal Mountains. Season: April, May, September, October

Arizona Trail: Self-Guided (coming soon)
Every year the Arizona Trail gets more singletrack and more connected. We're putting the finishing touches on a 110-mile route in the southern part of Arizona for Spring 2012. We don't want to give away too much, but get ready for one of the newest landmark rides every mountain biker must do! Season: Late February, March, April, November